Keurverslagen tentoonstelling Maastricht 26-09-2020

Internationale tentoonstelling Maastricht 26-09-2020. Keurmeester Mw. S. Desserne (FR)

Ierse Setter rood

Jeugdklas reuen
1153 Cloud Nine Diervilla
Correct type and size, lovely head , good front angulation, good tail set and chest, good condition, could move better , good neck.
2 Uitmuntend

1154 Riverwood Special Guest
Nice boy, correct head, good parallel. Like a slightly longer head, clear neck, lovely neck, moves very well.
3 Uitmuntend

1155 Shadow of the Trav’lin Star
Lovely head, nice shape of head, good earset, lovely neck, good front and well angulated, good chest, good drive on the move, very good condition.
1 Uitmuntend

Openklas reuen
1156 Que Pasa of the Trav’lin Star
Very good quality, good line of head, correct mouth, excellent front, neck very clear, good ridge, excellent angulated, good tailset and moves very well.
1 Uitmuntend  CAC-CACIB

1157 Quin Matcho of the Trav’lin Star
Lovely type, correct head with good lines, correct neck line, correct angulated, moves well, very good condition.
2 Uitmuntend

Kampioensklas reuen
1158 Quasandro Ireleith

1159 Riverwood Pleased As Punch
Excellent type good size, excellent neck and clear neck, excellent front and well angulated, moves very well.
1 Uitmuntend  res.CAC-res. CACIB

Jongste puppyklas teven
1160 Fhionnan Dream Stars Truly Perfect Red Tari
Nice type, pretty head, needs slightly better shoulder, moves correct.
2 Veel Belovend

1161 Riverwood The Devil Wears Prada
Good type, pretty head, moves like a baby.
1 Veel Belovend

Jeugdklas teven
1162 Send Me An Angel Of The Trav’lin Star
Very elegant girl with lovely head, excellent front and well angulated, good chest, perfect topline, moved super.
1 Uitmuntend

Tussenklas teven
1163 Rivervalley’s Red Jeanne D’Arc
Pretty girl, needs more front angulation, she moved well.
1 Uitmuntend

Openklas teven
1164 Scent Of Pansy Ruby Zywiecky Trop

Very nice bitch, excellent head, good stop, good lines, very well build, nice body and chest, excellent angulated, moved very well.
1 Uitmuntend  CAC-CACIB  BOB

Kampioensklas teven
1165 Riverwood Over The Moon
Very nice bitch, lovely stop and head, perfect movement , good drive and ridge.
1 Uitmuntend  res. CAC-res. CACIB

1166 Tussocks Manor Cardamom Flavour
Correct type, would like slightly more stop, more parallel in line, good tailset , good condition.
2 Uitmuntend

Ierse Setter rood-wit Keurmeester Mw. S. Desserne (FR)

Tussenklas reuen
1167 Kieran from Silven’s Lodge
Young boy, lovely head and expression, shoulder should be better angulated, topline could be better, moved okay.
1 Uitmuntend res. CAC

Openklas reuen
1168 Cadogan Shadow Dog
Correct type and size, skull a bit wide, front could be more angulated, good angulations, good chest and moved well.
1 Uitmuntend  CAC-CACIB  BOB