Regels EU Kampioenschappen

International Irish Red Setter Club



1 - The objective of the Spring European Championship is to provide a competition for dogs who have distinguished themselves in terms of their game finding ability, gait, style, stamina, their readiness to receive and retain training and their potential to breed great field trial and high level hunting dogs.

2 - The Spring European Championship will be run in brace on wild grey partridges and will be held only during the Spring season.

This competition will be organized according to the general conditions included into the field trial international rules for British blood setting dogs.

3 - The European Championship will be run on an IIRSC member club national territory with the restriction that a minimum of four dogs represented this country the free previous years in the European Championship.

4 - The European Championship will be held over 2 days and a CACIT may be awarded each day. The host country will award the CACIT on the second day.

5 - Dogs will represent the origin country of their owners who must have owned their dogs for at least 6 months prior to the date on which the competition is held. Owners may have their dogs presented by handlers from countries other than their own country.

6 - Participation in the European Championship is open to any Irish Setters who have been in any kind  of field trial awarded with :

  • an excellent in brace
  • or a CACT in solo
  • or for Scandinavian countries awarded in “Winning Class”

Any dog judged to be inadequate in terms of their gait or quartering or who have committed other offences (false setting, refusal to back, barking, chasing etc.) will be eliminated from the competition.

7 -  Derogation : Nations with a low rate of working dogs have the possibility to entry a maximum of two dogs either if they not fulfil the above mentioned awards conditions.*

Three possibilities:

0 qualified dog = 2 dogs suggested by the official club *
1 qualified dog = 1 dog suggested by the official club *
2 qualified dogs = 0 dog suggested by the official club *

* Owners of a qualified dog have to inform to ISC NL and have to enter their own dog(s).

8 - Judges will be selected from countries that will award CACIT.  In the case of 2 stakes there will be 2 judges selected from 2 different countries and in case of only one stake there will be 3 judges from 3 different countries.

9 - Points will be granted for each result according to the following schedule:

CACIT 20 Points 1 EXC 12 Points
RCACIT 18 Points 2 EXC 10 Points
CACT 16 Points    EXC   8 Points
RCACT 14 Points    TB   4 Points

After the 2 days of competition the winner and runner up in the European Championship will be determined on the basis of individual classification.  Dogs must have at least been awarded an excellent find. In the case of a tie, a barrage will be held. This barrage will be judged by 3 judges of 3 different countries. The senior judge will be appointed by the organizing country.

10 - Due to the ideal central location and the incontestable density of wild game the IIRSC has decided that the European Championship will be held in France. The competition may only be held in another country with the approval of the majority of the IIRSC at the meeting of the International Club of the previous year.

11- Each member country of the IIRSC will provide a fixed financial contribution towards the leasing of trial land for The European Championship (50 € in 2018). This amount may be revised each year for the following year by a decision taken during the meeting of the IIRSC.

12 - Entry Fees for the European Championship will be 35 € per dog in 2018 for organizational costs. This amount may be revised at the annual IIRSC meeting for the following year.

13 - The Red Club of France will collect the financial contribution and entry fees from the other competing countries. The club will also provide secretarial services, programmes, stewards of the beat and meals. Accommodation and meals for judges will also be organised by The Red Club for the days on which they officiate. Judges will be provided with bed and breakfast, lunch and dinner on these days. Travel expenses will not be paid to judges.

14 - The organizing country will provide cups for the winner and runner up in the European Cup.

15 - A meeting of the International Club will be held on the day before (or 2 days before) the competition.