Uitslagen Outdoor Zeeland 17-04-2022
Ierse Setters rood

keurmeester: Beare Andrew (Ireland)
Beste reu CAC Big Red's Lord Palmerston
Reserve beste reu reserve CAC Flannan's Djust A Dream
1U Jeugdklas reuen Owen from Askeaton
Beste teef CAC Unchained Melody Ireleith
Reserve beste teef reserve CAC Scent Of Pansy Ruby Zywiecky Trop
1U Jeugdklas Teven Unchained Melody Ireleith
Beste van het ras Unchained Melody Ireleith


reuen rood
1 U Owen From Askeaton D. Huisman
2 U Vicary's Until The End Of Time Y. Hill-decoster


reuen rood
1 U Flannan's Djust A Dream J.P. Roegies
2 U Big Red's Meet And Greet S. Megens-van Linder
3 ZG Brilliant Marigold Arabian Nights S. Sides


reuen rood
1 U Big Red's Lord Palmerston S. Megens Van Linder
2 U Flannan's Cracker Jack W. Pepers


reuen rood
1 U Garden Star's Irish Dublin I. Vermeiren
2 U Marlland Break The Rules Y. Hill-Decoster


teven rood
1 U Unchained Melody Ireleith P. Vanderstappen
2 U Naddy Irene From Askeaton D. Huisman
3 U Fhionnan Dream Stars Ultimate Love For Utah I. Vermeiren
4 ZG Orla From Askeaton M. Keller


teven rood
1 U Brilliant Marigold Autumn Sun M. Lesierse-Raats
2 ZG Big Red's Morning Glory S. Megens Van Linder


teven rood
1 U Fhionnan Dream Stars Selah Sue L. de Backer en I. Vermeiren
2 U Daisy Cinammon's A. Oei


teven rood
1 U Scent Of Pansy Ruby Zywiecky Trop I. Vermeiren
Owen From Askeaton

14 months; v.g. Masculine head; nice occiput; good stop; exc. dark eye; scissors-bite; nice arched reach of neck; v.g. Lay o shoulder; good deep brisket; level topline sloping to rear; nice bend of stifle; v.g. Coat; well presented; v.g. Reach & drive.

Vicary's Until The End Of Time

1 year minus one day; nice masculine head; good occiput; exc. stop; scissors-bite, full dentition; nice reach of neck; fair lay of shoulder; good depth of brisket; level topline; nice bend of stifle; good coat; good reach & drive, covering the ground well

Flannan's Djust A Dream

20 months; good masculine head; nice occiput; good stop; scissors-bite; adequate reach of neck; nice lay of shoulder & depth of brisket; level topline sloping sligthly to rear; good bend of stifle; good coat; good reach & drive, covering the ground well.

Big Red's Meet And Greet

20 months; good masculine head; nice dark eye; good stop; scissors-bite; nice reach of neck; good lay of shoulder; fair depth of brisket; level topline sloping slightly to rear; good bend of stifle; straight hocks; in v.g. Muskular-condition; fair reach & drive; reach is a little bit high

Brilliant Marigold Arabian Nights

18 months; refined headed dog; good stop; scissors-bite; nice earset, low & well back on head; nice reach of neck; fair lay of shoulder & depth of brisket; level topline sloping slightly to rear; good bend of stifle; straight hocks; nicely coated; fair reach & drive; needs to fill out a lot.

Big Red's Lord Palmerston

Nearly 3 years; well balanced male head; nice stop; good dark eye; scissors-bite; nice reach of neck; good lay of shoulder; level topline sloping to rear; v.g. Turn of stifle; good coat; good reach & drive, covering the ground well.

Flannan's Cracker Jack

3,5 years; nice balanced head; good dark eye; exc. stop; scissors-bite; nice reach of neck; good lay of shoulder; deep brisket; nice tuck-up; level topline sloping to rear; good bend of stifle; good coat; good reach & drive.

Garden Star's Irish Dublin

5,5 years; good masculine head nice dark eye; good stop; scissors-bite; adeqate length of neck; nice deep brisket; level toplne; nice tuck-up; good bend of stifle; good coat; nice reach & drive.

Marlland Break The Rules

5 years; nice, pleasing male head; good dark eye & pigmentation; scissors-bite; correct earset; nice length of neck leading on to good lay of shoulder; adequate depth of brisket; sligth tuck-up; level topline; good bend of stifle; good reach & drive & headcarriage on the move.

Unchained Melody Ireleith

13 months; very nice balanced head; nice dark eye; scissors-bite; correct earset; good reach of neck; fair lay of shoulder; nice depth of brisket & spring of rib; level topline; good rearangulation; in exc. coat presentation; fair reach & drive, covering the ground very well.

Naddy Irene From Askeaton

16 months; pleasing head; good stop; nice dark eye & pigmentation; scissors-bite; well set ear; air reach of neck; exc. lay of shoulder; good deep brisket; fair spring of rib; sloping topline to the rear; v.g. Bend of stifle; straight hocks; good coat; fair reach & drive, covering the ground well

Fhionnan Dream Stars Ultimate Love For Utah

10 months; nice feminine head with good stop & dark eye; scissors-bite; nice reach of neck; good lay of shoulder & depth of brisket; level topline; nice rearangulation; v.g. Reach & driveaction

Orla From Askeaton

14 months; nice feminine head; good occiput; nice stop; scissors-bite; nice arched neck; fair lay of shoulder; level topline slightly sloping to rear; good bend of stifle; straight hocks; nice coat; fair reach & drive; has not settled on the move.

Brilliant Marigold Autumn Sun

18 months; very pleasing feminine head; good stop; scissors-bite; nice reach of neck; exc lay of shoulder; sloping topline to rear; good bend of stifle; sraight hocks; well arched tows; steady reach & drive.

Big Red's Morning Glory

20 months; nice balanced head; good stop; dark eye; scissors-bite; exc. reach of neck; nice lay of shoulder; fair depth of brisket, slightly sloping to rear; good rearangulation; nice coat; fair reach & drive

Fhionnan Dream Stars Selah Sue

3 years; nice balanced head; good stop; dark eye & pigmentation; scissors-bite; good earset; adequate length of neck; good lay of shoulder & depth of brisket; nice topline; good bend of stifle; good coat; v.g. Reach & drive, covering the ground very well.

Daisy Cinammon's

3 years; nice pleasing head; dark eye; good sto; wel set ear; nice reach of neck; exc. shoulder; fair depth of brisket & spring of rib; level topline, sloping to the rear; v.g. Bend of stifle; straight hocks; well presented; v.g. Reach & drive, covering the ground very well.

Scent Of Pansy Ruby Zywiecky Trop

4 years; nice eminine head with good expression; dark eye; scissors-bite; adequate length of neck; good lay of shoulder; good depth of brisket & spring of rib; nice turn of stifle; straight hocks; well arched tows; good coat; good reach & drive; the drive is a little close to the meredium

Uitslagen Ierse Setters rood-wit

keurmeester: Beare Andrew (Ireland)
Beste reu CAC Simply Red And White Shane
1U Jeugdklas reuen Simply Red And White Shane
Beste van het ras Simply Red And White Shane


reuen rood-wit
1 U Simply Red And White Shane A. Hoogendijk
2 ZG C'mas Dasher Of The Roner Fields P. Slootweg


reuen rood-wit
1 ZG Kieran from Silven’s Lodge C. Castelli,


teven rood-wit
1 ZG Ruaban Of The Ronerfields From Shadow Dog P. Slootweg
Simply Red And White Shane

10 months; exc. head & expression; good dark eye; exc. stop; scissors-bite; adequate length o neck; v.g. Lay of shoulder; depth of brisket, topline rear quarters all good; coat in exc. condition; well presented; nice reach & drive, covers de ground well.

C'mas Dasher Of The Roner Fields

16 months; good alert masculine head; exc. stop; scissors-bite; nice reach of neck; fair lay of shoulder; good depth of brisket; level topline; nice sloping croupe; good bend of stifle; straight hocks; well arched tows; coat in good color; fair reach & drive; crossing legs in front.

Kieran from Silven’s Lodge

3 years; nice balanced head with dark eye; good stop; scissors-bite; nice reach of neck; good lay of shoulder; deep brisket; level topline; fair bend of stifle; reach fair; elbows slightly out on reach, drive is good.

Ruaban Of The Ronerfields From Shadow Dog

Nearly 7 years; pleasing head; good stop; scissors-bite; adequate length o neck; nice lay of shoulder; good depth of brisket; topline & rearangulation good; a little heavy on croupe; reach is good but the drive could be better; not enough propulsion.